Day 1 School Closing Outlook
Valid: Friday, December 20, 2024
Issued: Thursday, December 19, 2024 8:41 PM ||| UPDATED TO CORRECT DATE AT 8:55 PM ET ||
Summary: A clipper system has brought widespread accumulating snow through the region this evening and snow is expected to continue overnight. While, accumulations have been generally mild thus far, we do believe that it is plausible that a few schools may have snow days Friday.

First and foremost, a quick note; we apologize for the delay in getting this outlook out tonight. Owen and I were both working evening shifts at our full-time jobs today so this is coming out a little bit later than we would like. It is always our goal to have our outlook out as close to 4:00 PM as possible. If you are interested, we offer our community supporters early access to our snow day predictions a full day ahead of time with a new plan at just $0.99 per month! Click here to subscribe!
A clipper system began to move through the region earlier this afternoon/evening and has brought fairly widespread accumulating snow to most of the region. Accumulations, for the most part, have been mild at this point.
That having been said a generalized 1-4 inches of snow is expected with the bulk of those higher accumulations, some possibly even topping 4 inches, being expected along the US-31 corridor North of I-96 and along and North of M-20, near US-10.

Slick roads and hazardous travel will be part of the Friday morning commute and this will likely result in some localized or scattered snow days on Friday.